Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So it begins....

My knuckle down time is nigh! The study routine that seemed so far off in the new year is now upon me. I logged onto the Uni site and checked out various aspects of student services and finally figured out what was what, just after I sent off an email asking a fairly dopey question that I found the answer shortly after.

It will be interesting studying online as I am a tactile person like to have papers and books to touch while reading and absorbing information sitting in front of a PC reading material for study purposes has a slight unreality to it for me and I am concerned that I won't absorb information effectively in this manner. But there is a text book and I will buy it at a cool $93 thank you very much.

The topics are interesting and directly related to my daily work but the trick for me will be expressing my knowledge in a clear and effective manner suited to University standard.

Until we meet again...


Cath said...

"University standard"... you know that that bears no resemblance to real life don't you?

Sleepydumpling said...

You will be fine. Just remember to stop and relax (play a few games of Wordscraper) now and again.