Monday, September 8, 2008

Now where was I....

Reading through the getting started bit of "23 Things" I came to realise my blog should be more directed at how I feel, what I experience and what I achieve while meandering and/or gallivanting through the process. I am pretty impressed at how determined the BCCLS is that all staff shall have the opportunity to learn and experience 23 things and surprised at the scepticism displayed by some that time won't be allocated to their learning and adamant that it won't be done at their home which is perfectly legitimate and understandable. I guess it is a different way of looking at things and where you might be in your life. But to my mind if you stop learning you stop living. I try always to be open to learning new things and I am blessed to be in a job that allows me to learn new stuff every day and sometimes several times a day.
On another tangent, it has always amused me that i am often consulted by my colleagues to sort out technical woes at work and for some strange reason, I often fluke a solution (and truly that is all that it is, a fluke). If these same colleagues could see me at my home cursing a blue streak at the set top receiver I have had for close to 18 mths and cannot figure out how to install it successfully, they would shriek with hysterics and now I have speakers to my my PC - connected correctly I am positive - that refuse to work, which is causing some consternation since I can't continue my progress at home with 23 things until this dilemma is rectified. I am lucky that the family possesses a few tech-heads that will come to my rescue this week. I leave you with this thought.........
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort


Sleepydumpling said...

Ahh how I love to see a positive attitude! The thing is, the biggest hurdle in doing this programme is ourselves. Those who prioritise it, and make sure they find time each day to do so, will find that they sail through it no problem. Team leaders are on board to enable everyone to find the time, and no-one is expected to do it at home, that's just the option if anyone would like to.

And m'dear... you can blog whatever you like! Take a look at mine.

thelauragirl said...

I really enjoyed reading your posts - you write just like you talk and often make me laugh out loud! Thanks, it's been fun :-)

Anonymous said...

Your blog whouldn't be about anything other than what you want it to be about.

There is no "should" with blogging :)
